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Your Partner In Career Counselling

Orizon is one of Germany’s ten largest HR service providers. Our aim is to find a job that suits you – irrespective of whether you already started looking for a job or you are still in employment and just started thinking about a new challenge. For this, we use both personnel secondment and direct personnel placement – totally according to your requirements. And we offer our applicants and employees an individual career consulting and support in all issues relating to career planning and professional development.

We take care of your success

We are career consultants and place you with renowned companies in your region or throughout Germany. Together with you, we will then get your working career going and identify your professional goals and career aspirations – so we can find the job that suits you and opens up new perspectives. Your direct and simple way to a permanent position, either with us or with one of our clients.

Initiative “Fair Temporary Work”

Orizon steps up to the challenge of designing personnel secondment in such a way that it is an attractive combination of flexibility and stability for the employee rather than the economy’s fire-brigade. In doing so, we pay particular attention to co-operation and dialogue. Your job satisfaction is our most especial concern. Hence, all teams in the local offices see themselves as consultants for their colleagues’ professional development.

We actively assume entrepreneurial responsibility towards our employees, e.g. through continuing education schemes, the Orizon Academy or our “Orizon PlusPoints”. The latter specifiy additional conditions of our employment contracts, such as the employer-subsidised occupational pension scheme (bAV).

With regard to the future, we live according to these premises with a great sense of responsibility and strong commitment.